Jelly Trumpet
Jelly Trumpet
S0210 Trailer – Reverse Part II
Listen to Jim take stock of the urgent situation the crew is found in an old dark house in the 1800s.
A wooden sign creaks in the wind. A shrill scream. Quite an opening for Episode 10.
The story takes a dark turn as we discover who is loose in the abandoned Victorian villa.
O’ no! There are several plot cliches in the podcast. Still, they are fun, who doesn’t like a cliché or two? O’! You don’t? OK. Give it a go, you are going to be surprised at how well this episode works.
The podcast is coming undone. Even with the help of the great Sherlock Holmes and the incapable (really) Dr Watson, Jim, Mr b and the Queen face a great evil.
Who is the evil genius behind the kidnapping of Princess Yamaha? Will the phrase 'Bank Holiday Monday' save them from a messy demise?
Dive in for silly, surreal and odd interludes, o’ and some great music from the house band ‘We Paint Houses.’
Thank you for listening to the Jelly Trumpet Podcast!
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Stay fab,
Mr Jim & Mr b